Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Josephinos - September 22, 2014

Today we didn’t eat with a members, so we went to a Pizza Buffet called Josephino`s to celebrate the baptism of Bryan, which I talked about in my other email. 

To get there we took a train. When it pulled in for us to board, the six of us, us four missionaries and Michel and Bryan, filled in. But I was last in line. And the door closed before I could board! I tried to stick my hand in the door to see if it would automatically open, but it didn’t, and it started moving away, with my companion inside! 
So yep, I was alone, without my companion, without even the cell phone (Elder Hernandez had it) for a little while. My plan was to board the next one that came to meet them there, but then I saw them running up the steps toward me. They got off and got back on the train that went the opposite way to find me. Luckily it was like only 5 min, but it felt really weird. :) 

But all is good, I am here with companion, and super full from the buffet! 

Everyone thought I was crazy wasting space in my stomach eating green salad, but after not ever hardly eating it, it is SO GOOD! 

We didn’t use all of our time to write before we went, so I thought I would tell you about my little adventure. 

Love you all! 

Elder Hayden Redford

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